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Gunner George Muncaster, KIA 23rd January 1977

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  • Gunner George Muncaster, KIA 23rd January 1977

    I was in {{{shudder}}} Leicestershire this morning so called in at the National Memorial Arboretum on the way back to pay a visit to the tree dearest to me. It looks so different on a cold winter's day as the staff have been busy pruning back the ash trees, be interesting to see how it looks in September.

    I know you're not there mate but rest easy, I'll pay you a call in August.

    RIP George
    Visit tree 49/189 @ the NMA and say hello.

  • #2
    Not Forgotten


    • #3
      Apologies if I didn't let anyone know I was going, I was a bit down and it was a last minute thing on my way back from Leicestershire, feel a bit better now. Just think, 37 years ago I was 15 hours into my shift with another hour to stag until 10pm and he would've just been getting up for his last night shift.

      George - third from right with the tash.
      Visit tree 49/189 @ the NMA and say hello.


      • #4
        I must have talked to or at least bumped into some of those lads in late 1976 as I was down there often enough. Shame I can't recall any of the faces.
        R.I.P. George.
        Association Member
        Last edited by Jock2413; 23-01-2014, 11:13 PM.
        You cannot fight a war with one hand tied behind your back.


        • #5
          Don't be sorry G, not necessary. You went there for perfectly personal and valid reasons and if it helped then that's good. You said your piece to your friend and that is what is important. Rest easy George, we'll make sure G is ok.


          • #6
            In memory of Private David James McCahill
            The Gloucestershire Regiment.
            In memory of Gunner William John Marks
            91st Field Regiment. The Royal Artillery.


            • #7
              RIP George.
              Be who you are and say what you feel...
              Because those that matter, don't mind.
              And those that mind, don't matter!


              • #8
                I'm in touch with a couple of them on our facebook page. As I think I said to you once, we wouldn't have thought to question the presence of anyone with an RA capbadge as we'd just have thought it was someone from another of the batteries as we didn't tend to mix much being Gunners. When the gas holder went up there were all sorts of bods knocking about, it was only those with red caps I was bothered about avoiding...
                Visit tree 49/189 @ the NMA and say hello.


                • #9
                  Rest easy Brother.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by On1on View Post
                    it was only those with red caps I was bothered about avoiding...
                    Yes, there were a few of them about that day. Can't recall any of them getting their hands dirty though. I do remember one of them turning a shade of green when one of my lads stuck a forensic bag full of bits under his nose and asking "who wants this"
                    You cannot fight a war with one hand tied behind your back.


                    • #11
                      Handed my bags over to one of the RUC, didn't usually see much of them around there. (comment, not criticism)
                      Visit tree 49/189 @ the NMA and say hello.


                      • #12
                        For some reason, I recall a small shelter thing at the corner where all the bags had to be handed in. My lads contents were identified as a charcoal broiled rat. My comment was "same species but with four legs" Ghoulish humour at its best.
                        You cannot fight a war with one hand tied behind your back.


                        • #13
                          George you have not been forgotten! I also remember hearing of George's death whilst I was on Thomas St sangar duty, guarding an RUC stop and search Officer.

                          For those of you who also served in the province over this period, this link may well cause the uplifting of a few eyebrows. A deadly period for the security forces indeed!!


                          • #14
                            That's a fine tribute mate.
                            You cannot fight a war with one hand tied behind your back.


                            • #15
                              Thank you mate and coming from you I appreciate it!!

