On this day 2nd December 1974, WO2 John A. Maddocks (RAOC) aged 32, was killed instantly when an IRA milk churn bomb exploded while he was examining it at Gortmullen, Derrylin, near the Monaghan border.
The device had been reported 4 days previously. Earlier on the day that the EOD team arrived, a man had attached a rope to the device and pulled it away, as it had been placed close to the home of his elderly mother. Following the explosion that killed WO2 Maddocks, a second booby-trap device functioned. This device had been buried in the same field and was connected to the original command wire.
" Not Forgotten "
The device had been reported 4 days previously. Earlier on the day that the EOD team arrived, a man had attached a rope to the device and pulled it away, as it had been placed close to the home of his elderly mother. Following the explosion that killed WO2 Maddocks, a second booby-trap device functioned. This device had been buried in the same field and was connected to the original command wire.
" Not Forgotten "
