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Effective today, the contact details for the Northern Ireland Veterans' Association have changed to the following

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DE24 8FX

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Ballydugan Road, Downpatrick, 9 April 1990

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  • #46


    • #47
      The troubles never stopped they where now part of us like our uniforms, Cold as a winter's night. 01:00am Usual the lads with half Alcohol half beef coffee machine walking tired of every thing.

      Wee knew who had executed our Brother in Crossgar Co Down and the address.
      Of the house where the murder that wore a crash helmet and used a 38 special more times than was within the rules of humanity.
      I Drove the rover across his driveway left it ticking over and got out standing with a copy of the Belfast Telegraph. I stood looking at the house for what must have seemed like a lifetime. The heat of the Sun on a man's face changes everthing wee are still alive and able to hunt you, Day after Day!

      Climbing back in the Snach the smell of Alcohol had gone and the heat was like getting of a plane in a foriegn land.
      Wee where accused of harassment and instructed from above not to stop or go 5 miles within the Murders address.
      Shortly after a Gun attack happened by a Loyalist force Murdering innocent publicans watching a football game in Loughlinisland Co Down.

      Our Snatch was there yet again for the wrong reason.

      Last edited by Guest; 16-03-2019, 08:56 PM.


      • #48
        Walking into the small country pub the smell was one of carnage and the sight was one that a man questions the above for strength and respect. At the door was a table with a old gentleman still sitting upright with his paper and pipe still in his Right hand. It was sooreal checking everyone's pulses and in the background the Tv with the Football match on they must have been there to see.
        Dawn was just about to break when wee roled int BK, The lads at the gate waiting for us. Park the gear up Change cloth bag and tag and sign out the pistol to go home.

        Later in the afternoon I went out to wash the car and my next door neighbour shouted Ok Mate! Yes I replayed but in the back of my mind I didnt know if I was.



        • #49
          Ok Mate! Yes I replayed but in the back of my mind I didnt know if I was.

          I think a lot of us thought that after the event? After all, we are all still human, disciplined and rowdy at times but human.


          • #50
            Back then wee didnt have social media live streaming like the sick terrorism clasp on society exploiting everything today.

            I took a few weeks off went to the bank a got the money for the car I dreamed of and purchase it. It was waxed to death and by God it was like a release vessel finish work turn off and enjoy driving the wee car and as small it might seem was something I really enjoyed.
            My love for Hot hatchback cars still is part of my life and
            I sold that Red 1.9 Pug205Gti it keeped me between the white lines off reality and Who knows!! Mortality.



            • #51
              If there was social media this is what it looked like when I was growing up.


              • #52
                Thats why in earlier days going back and read my posts I decided to become A Soldier!



                • #53
                  There was a stories in the last post starting with No matter which conflict war inflicts scares and depression upon survival guilt Ptsd. Those Soldiers and images stayed with me as a young man and what was happing within Northern Ireland my Island.
                  Back to reality it was 10 pm on QRF with the cheese toastie machine doing a grand job with cheese ham and toms cooking lovely. Cold air caught our feet when the main door was opened of the QRF room sorry lads warm the Rovers up lads.

                  RUC have informed us of a Mans Bodies lying at the road edge on the Main Rd towards the Flying Horse estate Downpatrick.
                  Wee didnt take the rovers due to the high level of Intelligence coming in.
                  2 off us took a Aprelli 125 motorcycle private and LCP .
                  4 in a Ford Escort turbo fully armed towards Downpatrick stuck to the front seat 2 in the Snatch at BK front gates.
                  Some Gentlmen on this site my have felt this feeling on this when you know your being drawn into a Hornnets nest.
                  Racecourse rd main back rd to Flying Horse estate call came in H*** The bike confirms a image of a body on the grass verge clear sigth lines from corner of the estate do not stop!.

                  Request night sun high overview, Wee parked up at the back of Downpatrick RUC station and got a coffee with our colleges to confirm a plan. 2 RUC officers dressed up as ambulance service Men and wee seconded a Nathional Health Ambulance to retrieve the body.

                  Night sun was very high with very little sound with the wind. 4 in the ambulance and 2 on the Sports Motorcycle back up 4 in the Ecsort.
                  Wee drove down the hill from the station 9mm Browning high power on our laps. The ace in are cards being the Aprilla Sports bike.
                  H*** wee can confirm a body shape of what looks like a man at the verge.
                  Control stand down Night Sun Has no heat on object.

                  Cont: tomorrow.
                  Back to the cheese toasties and that's why I joined the Army.
                  Last edited by Guest; 22-03-2019, 08:46 PM.


                  • #54
                    Wouldn't do that to yous. Cordon put in place snatchs now at Downpatrick support Rat trap put into place locked down tighter than a ducks ass.

                    Morning broke and wee moved in with QRF Air support ring off steel around Downpatrick. A straw filled shaped body was located later that day under a street light with a wind flag attached and clear firing points from the high ground. Another luck escape.



                    • #55
                      Or was it that day I returned to a house with Family and goods gone.


                      Last edited by Guest; 22-03-2019, 11:44 PM.


                      • #56
                        Rick on a road to self distinction next not pritty.


                        • #57


                          • #58


                            • #59


                              • #60
                                Not a chance I had a Sargent that to quite honestly pissed me off big time. I put my resignation in under my old Contract 28 days notice. Hated the sight of the man and thats what drove to resign. One last training operation in Otterburn for live fireing to Piss us off.
                                The Sargent guildeed collages to the clearance point and I as over watch made it close and very real snapping the air close to the body.
                                I Never seen the man again to discharge. Upon discharge I had 4 Colour Sergeant asking me to stay within there platoon.
                                Sorry Gents To Late I'm gone.


