1st March 1972
Pte. Johnny Fletcher aged 43
Part Time A Coy – 4th Bn. Ulster Defence Regiment
Pte. Fletcher was abducted as he was driving away from his farmhouse to work. He was frog-marched into a field by Republican gunmen and executed. His wife witnessed his murder. He was married and Off Duty at the time of his murder.
Murdered by terrorists
Lest We Forget
Pte. Johnny Fletcher aged 43
Part Time A Coy – 4th Bn. Ulster Defence Regiment
Pte. Fletcher was abducted as he was driving away from his farmhouse to work. He was frog-marched into a field by Republican gunmen and executed. His wife witnessed his murder. He was married and Off Duty at the time of his murder.
Murdered by terrorists
Lest We Forget
