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Effective today, the contact details for the Northern Ireland Veterans' Association have changed to the following

The Secretary
57 Mortimer Street,

DE24 8FX

Mob: 07368 293729

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Gnr Clifford lLorring

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  • Gnr Clifford lLorring

    Today, 31/08/2011 is the 40th anniversary of the death of Gnr Clifford Lorring,25 RA, he did not come out to Belfast with us at first as he was only 17, he took the liverpool ferry on a Friday evening and arrived Saturday morning which was his 18th birthday,went straight to the bus depot in Anderson town. Sunday he went on his first op,a VCP, a sniper shot him in the head and he did not survive.
    He would have been 58 now, maybe a grandad as I am. We will never forget you Cliff, RIP forever young.
    Spanners do it with their tools.

  • #2
    Visit tree 49/189 @ the NMA and say hello.


    • #3
      I may be wrong but I believe that this tragic incident was what sparked off the idea of forming the training unit in Ballykinler where all underage soldiers were sent on turning 18 for refresher training prior to joining their unit on ops.

      R.I.P. ClIff.
      Never forgotten.
      You cannot fight a war with one hand tied behind your back.


      • #4
        Didn't help Edmund Muller much in early 77, he turned 18, straight out to Ballykinler and on his last day prior to joining us, got shot dead whilst out being assessed with another unit. A load of us attended his memorial service in the GCH but no-one knew him as he'd just come out of Woolwich. Local lad from Donny.
        Visit tree 49/189 @ the NMA and say hello.


        • #5
          Be who you are and say what you feel...
          Because those that matter, don't mind.
          And those that mind, don't matter!

