Buried in East Herringthorpe cemetery, Rotherham (picture taken 25/9/12)
Howard, married with two children, was a Sapper from 21 Engineer Regiment when shot by a sniper while taking part in a 4 man patrol in the Bogside, Londonderry. He was hit in the back by a single shot and was dead on arrival at Altnagavin hospital. Soldiers said they couldn't return fire because civilians had appeared on the scene. The rifle used was found by soldiers buried in sand at a builder's yard. A 19 year old local was sentenced to life for this and the killing of Gunner William Miller from 16th Light Air Defence Regiment RA at Butcher's Gate on 3/7/76.
("Lost Lives - 2004")
Comrades, looking at the sad state of this headstone reminds us why we have started the NIVA 'gravewatch'.
