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Cecil Graham, November 11th, 1981

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  • Cecil Graham, November 11th, 1981

    Pte Cecil Graham - 32, married, one child, from Maguiresbridge, Co Fermanagh

    "He was fatally wounded, dying two days after being shot by PIRA after visiting his wife and their five-week-old baby.
    His wife, a Catholic, was staying with her parents in Donagh, a republican area, as the baby was premature nad required constant attention.
    Cecil was spotted and ambushed after a short visit. He was hit by 16 rounds from an Armalite rifle and died two days later in hospital."
    (excerpt from 'Lost Lives')
    "His father-in law told the inquest (into his death) that he was upset that in the two years following the shooting, none of the neighbours had extended sympathy or even mentioned the murder" (from 'The UDR' Chris Ryder)

    "Two of the dead man's brothers, Thomas and James, were killed in June 1981 and February 1985 respectively. Their father (a former B-Special) had joined the UDR with his three sons and one daughter, Hilary. She was knocked down by a car that crashed through a UDR vcp and suffered serious injuries, from which she never really recovered. Friends thought the accident undoubtedly caused her premature death."
    (Lost Lives)
    Another of the tragically common family losses in UDR service.
    Rest in peace.

  • #2



    • #3
      A family who has suffered much for Queen and Country

      We Will Remember Them


      • #4


        • #5

          They will not be forgotten, brave people who lived amongst thier enemies.
          Spanners do it with their tools.


          • #6
            We Will Remember Them



            • #7
              A whole family wiped out because they dared to stand up for what was decent and right.


              • #8
                THE COLLECT OF


                Almighty God, we pray for all members of the Regimental Association of The Ulster Defence Regiment. We remember with pride those who have paid the supreme sacrifice. We pray that they may not have died in vain, but that we who are left may be loyal to their example and sense of duty. Let not our gratefulness fail or grow weary as we seek your strength to be ever vigilant of freedom, peace and security, and may we ever hear the call to nobler living which echoes from the graves of those who have died that we might live.

                We give thanks for all who have served in The Ulster Defence Regiment and who have known courage to carry out their duties without fear or favour and who have protected those in danger; may we with them ever rejoice in the peace that you give through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord.



                • #9
                  Hilary Graham

                  Originally posted by BigStevie View Post
                  Pte Cecil Graham - 32, married, one child, from Maguiresbridge, Co Fermanagh

                  "He was fatally wounded, dying two days after being shot by PIRA after visiting his wife and their five-week-old baby.
                  His wife, a Catholic, was staying with her parents in Donagh, a republican area, as the baby was premature nad required constant attention.
                  Cecil was spotted and ambushed after a short visit. He was hit by 16 rounds from an Armalite rifle and died two days later in hospital."
                  (excerpt from 'Lost Lives')
                  "His father-in law told the inquest (into his death) that he was upset that in the two years following the shooting, none of the neighbours had extended sympathy or even mentioned the murder" (from 'The UDR' Chris Ryder)

                  "Two of the dead man's brothers, Thomas and James, were killed in June 1981 and February 1985 respectively. Their father (a former B-Special) had joined the UDR with his three sons and one daughter, Hilary. She was knocked down by a car that crashed through a UDR vcp and suffered serious injuries, from which she never really recovered. Friends thought the accident undoubtedly caused her premature death."
                  (Lost Lives)
                  Another of the tragically common family losses in UDR service.
                  Rest in peace.
                  Stevie can you confirm for our ROH if Hilary sadly later died of cancer in 1979 and do you know was she still serving at the time of her death.


                  • #10
                    So very sad for that family.


                    • #11
                      In memory of Private David James McCahill
                      The Gloucestershire Regiment.
                      In memory of Gunner William John Marks
                      91st Field Regiment. The Royal Artillery.


                      • #12
                        Soup76, hello, don't think we've met. I'll see what I can find out but can't promise anything.

