The above sailor was murdered by terrorists on 6th February 1972 whilst on shore leave in Rio. It was an carried out by Brazilian terrorists in a so called act of solidarity with Irish terrorists.
His burial location has been sourced in a churchyard near Chipping Norton. The full location is St Peter and St Pauls parish church, Long Compton, Shipston-on Stour, Warwickshire.!4d-1.5827046
Do we have any member who lives within reasonable travelling distance who can get a photo of this lads grave for our Gravewatch records.
His burial location has been sourced in a churchyard near Chipping Norton. The full location is St Peter and St Pauls parish church, Long Compton, Shipston-on Stour, Warwickshire.!4d-1.5827046
Do we have any member who lives within reasonable travelling distance who can get a photo of this lads grave for our Gravewatch records.